Unlock your dream job with AI-powered networking

Cozy is your personal networking assistant that crafts fully personalized cold emails to help you stand out and land interviews. Join our waitlist now and be among the first to experience the power of AI in your networking journey.

85% of jobs are filled through networking. Are you making the right connections?

In today's competitive job market, generic cold emails won't cut it. Cozy helps you make the right connections by crafting personalized emails that highlight your unique skills and common grounds with the recipient, increasing your chances of landing your dream job.


Apply to 100 jobs


Get ghosted by companies


Lose motivation

How Cozy works

Provide your resume, background information, desired roles, and industries to help Cozy understand your unique profile.

Chrome extension

Cozy's chrome extension seamlessly integrates with LinkedIn, allowing it to gather relevant information about your target contacts.

Personalized emails

Cozy analyzes the recipient's profile and crafts a fully personalized cold email that highlights common grounds and grabs their attention.

Increased chances

With AI-powered personalization, you'll stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of landing interviews and securing your dream job.

80% of job seekers never get an interview. Don't be one of them.

Be among the first to experience the power of AI-powered networking. Join our waitlist now and get ready to unlock your dream job with Cozy. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stand out from the competition and make the right connections.